Via Capitale
Création de la marque Via Capitale (anciennement La Capitale). Via Capitale compte plus de 1 500 courtiers répartis dans toutes les régions urbaines et rurales du Québec. Grâce aux produits novateurs que Via Capitale a lancé sur le marché québécois tels la protection domiciliaire et la protection hypothécaire, Via Capitale a vu sa performance reconnue officiellement à maintes reprises par différents organismes québécois et par le grand public.
Creation of the Via Capitale brand (Formely La Capitale). Via Capitale has more than 1,500 brokers spread throughout the cities and towns of the province. Thanks to the innovative products which Via Capitale introduced on the Quebec market, such as the homebuyer protection and the mortgage protection, Via Capitale has grown at lighting speed and its performances have been officially recognised on several occasions by various organisations as well as by the public.